Support my survival!

and help me keep my teeth.

  • In September of 2022, I was let go from my job, plunging me into financial instability in the middle of moving homes and medical issues. My medical and dental providers discovered I urgently needed care, and we tried to do as much as possible while I still had medical coverage.

    As a result of these medical issues, I have 4 cracked teeth and an issue with my gums. If I don’t get care urgently, an already big medical bill has the potential of getting even bigger. I’m in pain and need communal support to afford my treatment, rent, and COBRA coverage.

    This has taken not only a physical toll on me, but a emotional and mental toll. Losing my primary source of income, on top of facing housing instability, medical crisis, and the inability to afford basic necessities means that I need regular therapy appointments - something that also requires additional income.

  • I need my community of organizers, astrologers, troublemakers, and care workers to show up for me. To donate to this fundraiser, ask their personal connections to share and donate, to host fundraisers & raffles, to pour back into me, and show me the care and support I need to get through this. I can’t do this by myself and I need generosity.

    Please donate here:

    If you have a podcast, a public platform, or a press opportunity to spread this fundraiser, please email me at praxisastrology [at]